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2021 New Britain High School

Scholarship Winner





For as long as I can remember, I always dreamt about joining the military and seeking justice for the world. I have always dreamt about making an impact and making a difference in society; as a first generation to enlist in the military and seek higher education; things have been difficult to say the least.


I joined JROTC my freshman year and was given leadership roles such as a squad leader and a company first sergeant, which all eventually led to becoming the highest ranking cadet (the rank of cadet lieutenant colonel) my senior year in the program. Given the responsibility of leading squad drills and leading others made me want to go out and do it in the real world.


Although I had originally planned to go to college and study Criminology, as time went on I felt as though that wasn’t enough. I had spoken to a marine recruiter and after countless hours of research and consideration I realized that that was the career path I wanted to take; it was what seemed perfect for me. I realize that I could not only obtain my degree in criminology but also serve for our country and experience things that very few have the fortune to tell. 

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